The Program of Master of Mechanical Engineering of Udayana University (PMTM-UNUD) was founded in 2009, based on the demand of the society over the importance of higher education than the undergraduate program in mechanical technology. After obtaining the license from the Indonesian General Directorate for Higher Education (Dikti) Number 446/D/T/2009 on April 6th, 2009, the Master of Mechanical Engineering Program started to be developed by appointing Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gusti Bagus Wijaya Kusuma as the Head and Dr. Eng. Made Sucipta, ST.,MT. as the secretary of PMTM-UNUD. The Admission of Students in the first year was started in 2009 with 20 students. In order to develop PMTM-UNUD there were some partnerships with some reputable universities both domestic and foreign Universities and also with some governmental institution for the sake of the improvement of education quality.
Foundation date: April 6th, 2009
Study Program Operation Decree: Indonesian Directorate General for Higher Education (Dikti) Number 446/D/T/2009
Operation Decree date : April 6th, 2009
Accreditation: Decree of The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 003/BAN-Pt/Ak-X/S2/V/2012 with a B grade.
Accreditation Validity: May 24th, 2017
Realizing the Program of Master of Mechanical Engineering as the center of high quality education, research, and services to the society, so that it can produce the excellent, independent, and cultured Masters who are able to compete in the global level.
The mission from the Program of Master of Mechanical Engineering is to produce the high-quality, excellent, competitive and independent Masters in the Mastery of science and technology in Mechanical Engineering by:
- Implementing the professional and high-quality education which is able to anticipate the rapid development of science and technology and to be oriented in the needs of the society.
- Developing and implementing the sciences, researches, and technologies to give some solutions to the problems and needs of the society.
- Growing the attitudes and abilities of professionalism, entrepreneurship potential, and independency in technical engineering based on the demand of national and international job markets, and also having a high morality and integrity.
- Weaving a harmonic relationship and partnership with the outsider for the development of Mastery and Science.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 19660222 199103 1
Nama Pejabat : Ir.I Nyoman Budiarsa,MT.,PhD.
Periode Awal : 2017-06-13
Periode Akhir : 2021-06-13
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 197107221998031003
Nama Pejabat : I Made Widiyarta, ST.,MSc.,PhD.
Periode Awal : 2013-01-01
Periode Akhir : 2017-01-01
Website :
Address : Lantai Dasar, Gedung Pascasarjana Kampus Sudirman, Jalan Panglima Besar Sudirman Denpasar Bali, 802
Telephone : 0361-241396
Email :
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